
Silent like the Shadows.

About Silentpaw

Silentpaw’s general information, personality


Silentpaw’s family, friends, enemies, etc.Art by Lil’Ember

Roleplay Resources

From key moments to training trackers, this section has everything I need

About Silentpaw

Art by Rxcket_p

Name: Silentpaw
Past name(s): Silentkit
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They
Clan: ShadowClan
Rank: Apprentice
Mentor: Newtbelly
Personality: Silentpaw, living up to his name, is incredibly quiet and almost never speaks unless he feels the need to do so. Even then, he will only speak in slow, short sentences, and tends to be a very boring cat to have a conversation with. Not that he minds. Silentpaw is an incredibly anti-social cat and detests any sort of social interaction, always trying his best to avoid any small talk.
Silentpaw is also very emotionless, refusing to show emotions around other cats. He usually wears his usual blank stare he always has on his face. He is really good at hiding his emotions, which doesn't seem like the best thing but he thinks nothing of it. It can get difficult to read him, or understand what he's feeling.
Silentpaw prefers quiet and subtle work instead of quick paced and aggressive battles and hunts.
Silentpaw is a silent judge, and everything he thinks about a cat stays in his mind. That isn’t really great, considering he instantly thinks bad about whoever he meets. Grumpy and prickly guy >:(
Silentpaw is very responsible and reliable for his fairly young age, always carrying out tasks he is told to do no matter how much he despises doing it. He also tends to pay close attention to details, remembering the smallest of things even after some time has passed. This makes him fairly reliable as a witness.
Though, Silentpaw can be harsh and mean to other cats, often showing distaste towards others and harshly complaining or chastising if he finds their behaviour unfair or displeasing. He also tends to be very pessimistic, never seeing the bright side of things and immediately assuming everything will go bad. However, with a little convincing, he can be encouraged slightly.



Mother: Clovepool
Father: N/A
Biological sister: Shadepaw

Other Relations

Firepaw - ”She’s… Tolerable. A bit too energetic for my liking, but she’s nice enough.”
Clovepool - Silentpaw does not know what to think of his mother.
Newtbelly - Silentpaw hasn’t started training with his mentor.
Shadepaw - ”It’s always her. Why is it always her? Why do I hate her?
Wispypaw - ”She better fix that nasty attitude before I fix it for her. How dare she?”

Roleplay Tracker

Training ThreadFirst Gathering - 09.06.2024